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  • Testing anomalous H−W couplings and Higgs self-couplings via double and triple Higgs production at e+ e− colliders
    27th of January 2021
    Manuel Gonzalez-Lopez, Maria Herrero, Paula Martinez-Suarez
  • Flavor-dependent radiative corrections in coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
    26th of January 2021
    Oleksandr Tomalak, Pedro Machado, Vishvas Pandey, Ryan Plestid
    Fermi National Laboratory
    MS1 Review new results from sterile neutrino lab and cosmological searches
  • Holographic models of composite Higgs in the Veneziano limit: 1. Bosonic sector
    26th of January 2021
    Daniel Elander, Michele Frigerio, Marc Knecht, Jean-Loic Kneur
    MS14 Feasibility of models of neutrino masses and dark matter with dark photons